Symposium on "Growth–survival paradigm in early life stages of fish: controversy, synthesis, and multidisciplinary approach" was held in Yokohama, Japan, during November 9–11, 2015. Download Symposium Poster Download Program & Abstracts
Update May 1, 2015 Registration and abstract submission open. April 1, 2015 Website launched. November 16, 2014 Announced at the Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Fisheries Oceanography 2014 in Yokohama, Japan. August 18, 2014 Announced at the 38th Annual Larval Fish Conference in Québec City, Canada.
Announcements A PDF version of the Program and Abstracts booklet is available online.
Deadlines 2015 June 30 (Tuesday) Registration and title submission for oral and poster presenters July 31 (Friday) Registration and title submission for poster presenters (extended) August 31 (Monday) Abstract submission for oral and poster presenters October 9 (Friday) Registration for general participants (earlier registration will be much appreciated)
Summary An open-style symposium and a workshop (invited participants only) will be held to challenge fundamental issues on the "growth–survival" paradigm in early life stages of fish, which postulates that larger and/or faster-growing individuals are more likely to survive than smaller and/or slower-growing conspecifics. The "growth–survival" paradigm has been given much attention in studies on recruitment dynamics of fish. Indeed, numerous studies have tested the paradigm during the last quarter-century. However, that growing body of literature has revealed contradictory evidence from field, laboratory, and modeling studies across systems and taxa. The objectives of the present symposium/workshop are (1) extracting controversial issues on the paradigm (controversy), (2) proposing ideas for reconciling and synthesizing contradictory results based on different perspectives from different study groups (synthesis), and (3) promoting a collaborative framework for field, laboratory, and modeling studies (multidisciplinary approach). The symposium is mainly constructed by oral presentations from invited speakers, although relevant contributed presentations may also be accepted. The goal of the subsequent workshop is to produce manuscripts for publication from the discussion of key topics. Overall, we aim to improve our understanding of growth–survival relationships in order to facilitate the prediction of recruitment dynamics through numerical modeling.
Dates and Venue November 9 (Monday) to November 11 (Wednesday), 2015 Yokohama, Japan National Research Institute of Fisheries Science, Fisheries Research Agency
Organizers Japan–Canada collaboration team organizes the symposium/workshop. Akinori Takasuka
(Japan)National Research Institute of Fisheries Science, Fisheries Research Agency
E-mail: takasuka@affrc.go.jp
Website: http://cse.fra.affrc.go.jp/takasukaDominique Robert
(Canada)Centre for Fisheries Ecosystems Research, Memorial University of Newfoundland
E-mail: dominique.robert@mi.mun.caJun Shoji
(Japan)Center for Field Science of the Seto Inland Sea, Hiroshima University
E-mail: jshoji@hiroshima-u.ac.jpPascal Sirois
(Canada)Department of Fundamental Sciences, University of Quebec at Chicoutimi
E-mail: Pascal_Sirois@uqac.ca
Advisers The organizers asked two scientists to review progresses and outputs of the activities as advisers. Louis Fortier
(Canada)Québec-Océan, Université Laval Yoshioki Oozeki
(Japan)Headquarters, Fisheries Research Agency
Funding Agencies Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)
(http://www.jsps.go.jp/)Fisheries Research Agency (FRA)
Research Projects Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)
Takasuka, A. (PI), Oozeki, Y., Kuroda, H., Okunishi, T.
KAKENHI No. 26252031 (April 2014 to March 2019)
科学研究費補助金 基盤研究 (A)
髙須賀明典 (代表)・大関芳沖・黒田寛・奥西武
研究課題番号: 26252031 (2014~2019年度)
(http://kaken.nii.ac.jp/d/p/26252031.ja.html)Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
Shoji, J. (PI), Mitamura, H., Takasuka, A.
KAKENHI No. 24380107 (April 2012 to March 2016)
科学研究費補助金 基盤研究 (B)
小路淳 (代表)・三田村啓理・髙須賀明典
研究課題番号: 24380107(2012~2016年度)
(http://kaken.nii.ac.jp/d/p/24380107.ja.html)Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Oozeki, Y. (PI), Okamura, H., Takasuka, A.
KAKENHI No. 26450275 (April 2014 to March 2017)
科学研究費補助金 基盤研究 (C)
大関芳沖 (代表)・岡村寛・髙須賀明典
研究課題番号: 26450275 (2014~2017年度)
Website for the GSP symposium in Yokohama, Japan (November 2015)